Contextual Statement
Mavae Moeliku Manuika
Y3 Visual Arts 2020
I am a proud Pasifika artist, which I'm interested in traditional artwork, for example, the craft of ngatu (barkcloth) making. I'm also interested in using my practice as a platform to encourage young artists, students and a variety of different audiences. Many artists inspired me to use their artwork or practice as a platform to share with the younger generations of today. My practice focuses on the concepts of Talanoa and Mo'ui A'usia, it will link up to my final artwork called Talanoa ‘o e Mo’ui A’usia. Which stands for conversation about life experience.
In my practice, Talanoa and Mo'ui 'Ausia tells a story about the lives of Pasifika people - sharing their personal life experiences as well as their journey. “it is all about storytelling, or telling our story to make the connections.”. Talanoa’ is meaningful and powerful to many Pasifika languages as it’s a way for them to form connections with one another. Mo’ui ‘Ausia elaborates on the life experiences which gains through living. For instance, our lifestyle, our identity, our surroundings and the impacts of life experiences. My attentive is to look at materials that relates to the Pasifika community such as suicide, work labour and how ngatu (barkcloth) can represent my family and beliefs, in a way it can be use as an material.
Family is an important talanoa to all Pasifika people and representing my family as part of my work inspires me and pushes me to my full potential. We share our 'Ofa (love), Mafana (warmth), Malie (humor), and Faka'apa'apa (respect) through our action and talent. As part of my artwork, my grandparents and my parents have always been my biggest motivation and mentors to my life. My dad going back and forth fighting cancer plays a big part through my artwork. It encourages, inspires, drives me never to give up and talanoa about my father's Mo’ui A’usia as a warrior through my practice till this day.
I enjoyed surrounding myself with my culture and craft making since I was a kid in Tonga. Being brought up by my grandparents has taught me traditional ways of artmaking in which I've learned through my culture. As an artist, culture is an important concept in my artwork, it allows me to bring in Tongan traditional methods and mix them with modern concepts that I learned during study. Tui Emma Gillies is an artist that influences my practice, Gillies explores the concepts of Ngatu as a way for her to reflect both cultures to reconnect with traditional art. She returns to New Zealand collaborating with her mother to complete a Tapa work that involves her using paint. Gillies combines traditional patterns, methods, processes with modern dyes and new ways of painting.
The Talanoa on work labour, from personal experience labor work has always been identified as Pasifika people, which was difficult. By this, I want to inspire our young generation to uplift themself to success. John Vea is an artist who influenced my practice since I started this degree. His work was similar to a personal experience which was displayed at an exhibition in Te Tuhi Gallery. It was titled “You kids should only experience this for a moment - don’t be here for life like me”, he implemented his own life experience to demonstrate his struggles growing up. Vea created this installation to encourage the young generation to aim high and find a better path towards their future.
A Talanoa about my experience of suicide. As New Zealand being one of the highest suicide rankings in the world, I want to potray enough that helps stop suicide - especially our Pasifika people. A Talanoa that I want to encourage people that there is always support no matter the situation. Raymond Sagapolutele is a prime example of Talanoa through the Mo’ui A’usia of suicide. Sagapolutele based his own experience through his artwork called “Mea Alofa”. He attempted to take his own life but was lucky enough to be saved by his brother. His work is a reminder and inspiring story for someone who may be experiencing similar doubts to one day it will help.
In addition, Talanoa ‘o e Mo’ui A’usia conveys the idea of the experiences of not only the Pasifika people, hence all cultures. In a way, I want to showcase my artwork to display a message and to be inspired by the Talanoa of my experiences.